Friday, February 20, 2015

Go to "Healthy" Lunch for School

Today I thought that I would share another food post with you! I love food. So, I feel that it is necessary for me to share more food on my blog since it is such a big part of my life! I have been trying to eat healthier in the new year, as are most people (lol).  However, I have recently gotten my mom on board with me and she has made eating healthier SO MUCH easier! She has been making homemade yogurt and hummus and she is even shopping at Trader Joes, #OMG. 

With that in mind, it has been (and still is) a struggle to make healthy choices and I am not in any way claiming to be a "healthy eater".  But, I just want to incorporate more food posts on my blog! If you would like to see more recipes or grocery hauls be sure to let me know!

My go-to lunch recently has been anything leftover in the fridge wrapped up in a whole wheat wrap! So for today's lunch, I had some left over chicken breast and broccoli (I usually add any sautéed or cooked vegetables)! I am a lover of spreads, dips and sauces and I love mayonnaise. But, I have found that I am able to avoid mayonnaise if I use hummus instead!

What you will need: 
Wraps (preferably whole wheat or multigrain)
or whatever you would like to include!

I just spread the amount of hummus I want all over the wrap

Slice up the chicken in very thin pieces (just because I like them thin!)

Add on some vegetables and wrap it up!

I have been using this little container, that I purchased at Home Goods, for my lunches and it works great! I love how it divides everything up and it even has a specific spot for a sandwich! Just add some some fruit or chips to complete your lunch!

I hope that you enjoyed this post! If you would like to see more food related blogposts just let me know!

I hope you have a great weekend!

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